Huggies Newborn 1 (28 шт)


diapers, for the boy/for of the girl, 2-5 kg, newborn, 28 PCs., breathing, reusable fasteners, an elastic belt/elastic side cover, no indicator

Main (Huggies Newborn 1 (28 шт))
Type diapers
The sex of the baby boy, girl
The weight of the child 2 — 5 kg
The purpose for newborns
The number 28 pcs.
Design (Huggies Newborn 1 (28 шт))
The type of fasteners reusable
Elastic elements belt, side plate
Narrowed in the middle
Protection against leakage belt and cuffs
Indicator filling
Design white with a picture of Winnie the Pooh
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